Tuesday, February 11, 2014

5366 Week 5 Reflection

For me this course was a last minute replacement to my curriculum. I had already taken ILD training and needed a replacement course so this is what they put me in. Despite the change up, I was impressed with the information provided in this course. I found the acronym for a graphic layout quite humorous, but catchy. It provided a good reminder for how to create good layouts for the website. I found myself evaluating other sites or graphics I would see as a reference for ideas for how I could better implement the principles.

As a future administrator, I think this course provided some powerful tools that can be beneficial throughout my career. Ten years ago I never would have imagined I would be taking classes without stepping onto a campus at all. Now, it almost has become the norm, and it will be interesting where technology takes us in the future. This course provided resources that I believe can help school districts not only implementation of technology in the classroom, but as an administrative resource as well. The ability to generate documents or websites and share them among specified users to edit and revise is a very beneficial tool. It made the entire process of group work much easier and beneficial because everyone had constant access to the space and could make changes at their convenience instead of having to set predetermined work times. I also liked the feature of turning on email updates so I could be notified when changes were made to the document or website.

Today more and more information is being provided online, and eventually I believe it will be the basis for every educational institution. It is important as a future administrator to make sure the district is constantly adapting itself so it can function in a digital world. School websites have become very common, some districts even require or provide teacher pages, however, eventually all teachers material will be completely online as we move into the future with technology. We are becoming a society dependent on instant feedback, and I believe education will follow suit, it just may come a little late.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Take a look at my animation. Created using the free software from Stykz

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Manuscript Reflection

The manuscript I reviewed was the Bible from Ethiopia. What I found the most interesting was that all elements of graphic design were noticeable within the manuscript. There is contrast among the text through the use of color. Even though I cant read the language, the contrast in color within text seems to be used for titles and important wording within the text. Repetition exists throughout the entire manuscript through the use of similar symbols and artwork. The main use of alignment seems to be centering into the middle of the page regardless of what is on the page. There also seems to be a consistent boarder throughout the pages. Similar content is also provided in close proximity.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Update for 5326

I have had extensive help with my research project concerning school safety and we have made several new changes as a result of this research. We have added a new door entry system that requires visitors to be buzzed into the building. We have completely revamped our emergency disaster plans to update them for tornado and fire exit strategies. We have even held several personnel meetings discussing the various safety strategies as well as the updated emergency exit procedures. Additionally, we have replaced all of the interior safety cameras in the hallways for monitoring. As a district we have initiated several meetings to coordinate with city and county emergency services for to coordinate immediate response. Overall as a whole I feel there has been tremendous progress in making our school a safer environment. The district has taken this issue very seriously in trying to make the campus as safe as possible for students and faculty. The cooperation between the district and emergency officials has been a tremendous asset in developing coordinating plans of response. There is still work to be done, but I feel we have made some big steps in the right direction.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Updated Action Project

After going through the reading and comparing to the cell phone example as well as the eight steps I found that my plan was lacking in two main areas. The first revision I made was to allow for more literature research. I was reflecting back to the videos we had last week and they all had a similar point, “don’t reinvent the wheel.” Basically find out what other schools have done and see if their processes can apply for my district. By researching other school safety policies it will give me some ideas on any new policies we may need or any revisions that need to be made. The second revision I made was to allow for more personal reflection. The main source for this reflection as well as updates for this action project will be my educational blog.

Below is my updated action research project.

Action Planning Template
Goal: To provide a learning environment that is safe and effective for students, teachers, and staff as well as reducing the volume of discipline actions that involve students missing class.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Review the vulnerability assessment and target areas for improving school safety and security.

Steven Livingston

Bill Wiggins – Supt.

Larry Green - Principal

At least once before end of Spring semester 2013 and once during fall semester 2013

ESC document

Review of improvements made

Work with county / city officials to revise the emergency operations plan to insure coordination of services in case of an emergency.

Steven Livingston

Bill Wiggins –Supt.

Larry Green  - Principal

Annual Meetings
Summer 2013

First responders

Updated plan and mapped facilities

Literature review on school safety practices

Steven Livingston

April – July 2013

Lamar Online Library


Input from PSP CISD Admin

Review resources and literature provide information for safety management procedures for public schools

Practice safety drills – evacuation, reverse evacuation, shelter in place (drop, cover and hold), lockdown and bus evacuation.

Steven Livingston

Larry Green – Principal

Each drill at least twice annually

Emergency Operations Plan – Crisis Plan Charts


Documentation of drills practiced
As well as timing of the drills

All professional and para-professionals will receive training in district policies, Student Code of Conduct, conflict resolution and classroom management.

Larry Green – Principal

August 2013


Discipline referrals

Review effectiveness of lunch detention policy

Steven Livingston

Larry Green - Principal

August 2012 – May 2013

Discipline Referrals. Time in class.

To ensure safety of students, adequate supervision of students will be provided during class, before and after school, during lunch, during passing periods, and during physical education and offseason classes.

Steven Livingston

Larry Green – Principal

Other assigned Staff members

Staff assigned beginning of school year 2013

Staff assignments

Number and types of discipline referrals will be reviewed each six weeks for effectiveness.

Maintain safety by controlling access to buildings by keeping designated doors locked and requiring visitors to check in and wear visitor badges.

Steven Livingston

Larry Green –Principal

Greg Drennan – Maintenance Director

Review procedures at least once each semester

Visitor passes and log sheets in offices

Periodic random check of doors and visitor logs

Install, repair and maintain cameras through-out the district that are networked and recorded to 3 DVRs.

Steven Livingston

Larry Green – Principal

Chris Ellision – Technology Asst.

Summer 2013

Local Funds

Discipline referrals

Revisit my action research plan and post on my educational blog for continual improvement and ideas

Steven Livingston

Constantly throughout the whole process

Educational blog

Review comments and feedback from site supervisor, colleagues and other stakeholders

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Action Research Plan

I think this is the format for which our research plan should be posted. If its not hopefully its close enough that everyone understands what will be going on.

Action Planning Template
Goal: To provide a learning environment that is safe and effective for students, teachers, and staff as well as reducing the volume of discipline actions that involve students missing class.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Review the vulnerability assessment and target areas for improving school safety and security.

Steven Livingston

Bill Wiggins – Supt.

Larry Green - Principal

At least once before end of Spring semester 2013 and once during fall semester 2013

ESC document

Review of improvements made

Work with county / city officials to revise the emergency operations plan to insure coordination of services in case of an emergency.

Steven Livingston

Bill Wiggins –Supt.

Larry Green  - Principal

Annual Meetings

First responder

Updated plan and mapped facilities

Practice safety drills – evacuation, reverse evacuation, shelter in place (drop, cover and hold), lockdown and bus evacuation.

Steven Livingston

Larry Green – Principal

Each drill at least twice annually

Emergency Operations Plan – Crisis Plan Charts

Documentation of drills practiced

All professional and para-professionals will receive training in district policies, Student Code of Conduct, conflict resolution and classroom management.

Larry Green – Principal

August 2013


Discipline referrals

Review effectiveness of lunch detention policy

Steven Livingston

Larry Green - Principal

August 2012 – May 2013

Discipline Referrals. Time in class.

To ensure safety of students, adequate supervision of students will be provided during class, before and after school, during lunch, during passing periods, and during physical education and offseason classes.

Steven Livingston

Larry Green – Principal

Other assigned Staff members

Staff assigned beginning of school year 2013

Staff assignments

Number and types of discipline referrals will be reviewed each six weeks for effectiveness.

Maintain safety by controlling access to buildings by keeping designated doors locked and requiring visitors to check in and wear visitor badges.

Steven Livingston

Larry Green –Principal

Greg Drennan – Maintenance Director

Review procedures at least once each semester

Visitor passes and log sheets in offices

Periodic random check of doors and visitor logs

Install, repair and maintain cameras through-out the district that are networked and recorded to 3 DVRs.

Steven Livingston

Larry Green – Principal

Chris Ellision – Technology Asst.

Summer 2013

Local Funds

Discipline referrals

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Action Research Topic

After a lengthy discussion with my site supervisor, we finally narrowed down a topic that we both feel is very essential and necessary to our school district. Even though we are a small school, in a small town, we still are not too small for something as tragic as what took place in Sandy Hook to happen. Therefore my research will address the following (hopefully):

What are some safety management plans we could implement in our school, and in what ways are they effective for increasing student safety, increasing teacher/staff safety, and decreasing the ability of an intruder to cause harm to students, teachers and staff?

I feel this is a needed topic for our district but am still struggling with the scope and the data needed to address this concern. If you have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to pass them along.